Federal Judge Allows Suit against St. Martin's Episcopal School To Proceed

Chris Edmunds Law Office represents a young girl with Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL), who is unable to recall math facts (such as 5 times 5 equals 25). She attended St. Martin’s Episcopal School in Metairie, Louisiana for 8 years, and the school allowed her to use a basic four-function calculator between fourth and sixth grades. However, suddenly and without explanation, the school discontinued this accommodation, even though the school knew that this would cause our client to fail her math class. We filed suit, and St. Martin’s filed a motion to dismiss the case. On February 24, 2022, Judge Lemmon of the Eastern District of Louisiana denied the motion, explaining that the fact that St. Martin’s had previously made “the exact same accommodation” for the prior three years “undermines its argument that the accommodation” is unreasonable. The case will now proceed to discovery.

You can read the order by clicking here.